This article is what you need to know to setup the ability to send and receive texts (SMS) and once setup how to send and receive text messages (SMS) through Blackpurl

This will be two way texting (SMS) through Blackpurl - this will not only allow Dealerships to send texts through Blackpurl but also receive incoming / reply text messages (SMS)


  • Please note that we use Third Party Providers for this service:

USA Dealerships

We integrate with our Third Party Provider Kenect as they look after all 10DLC legislative requirements

For further information about this service, please complete this form: and select Kenect Integration 

Canada Dealerships

We integrate with our Third Party Provider Kenect 

For further information about this service, please complete this form: and select Kenect Integration 

Australia Dealerships 

Please click on this link to our website and fill out the relevant section -

New Zealand Dealerships

Unfortunately at this time, we have been unable to find a reliable third party provider who can guarantee the receiving and sending of texts so we are unable to provide this service to you

Sending Texts from Blackpurl

Once you have been advised that Texting has been setup from your Blackpurl then you can follow the following points

On the Customer Record, the Customer must have a contact number with the SMS indicator checked:

User-added image

There are three options on how to send a text message from Blackpurl:

Option 1 - Sending a text message from a Customer Record 

  1. Navigate to the relevant Customer Record > click on User-added image

User-added image

  1. The Send a Text window will pop up to allow you to confirm the contact number / type your message then click on User-added image to send and then a confirmation window will confirm that the text has been sent

User-added image

Option 2 - Sending a text message from a Customer Order

  1. On a Customer Order > Customer Details section there is a Customer actions option to

  1. The Send a Text window will pop up to allow you to confirm the contact number / write your message and then click on User-added image to send and a confirmation window will confirm that the text has been sent

User-added image

Option 3 - From the Text History section on a Customer Order

  1. Once you sent a text from a Customer Order, a new section Text History will generate and it will list any texts 

that you have sent / received 

 This section will also allow you to

  1. The Send a Text window will pop up to allow you to confirm the contact number / type your message then click on User-added image to send and then a confirmation window will confirm that the text has been sent

User-added image

Texts are restricted to having 5000 characters for both receiving and sending

Receiving Texts from Customers

Our bi-directional texting is when the Dealership must first send a text to the Customer in order for them to reply

Your allocated text number can not be used by itself  ie please do not hand it out to Customers for them to contact your dealership - our bi-directional texting only works when/if they are replying to the Dealership's text

User Permissions

  • For each User that is required to have access to any reply texts, they will need to be setup with the User permission - View incoming text messages

Accessing Replied Texts

  • Once Users have the relevant User permission to access replied texts, they can do so under System Settings > Messages

  • Note that there is an indictor if there are unread messages

  • This will take the User to their full list of ALL replied text messages 

                    A.   This section will list how many unread text replies that particular User has 

                    B.   List of this User - unread replied text messages and the details ie Name/Time Received / Message

/ Open COs

                    C.   List of Recently read messages for this User only

  • Additional Information:
  • Each User will be in control of their own Message list

  • Each and every replied text will list on all User's Messages list

  • If one User has read the replied text, it will show up as read but only on that User's list

  • It will still show as unread on the other User's Message list until they have also read it or marked it as read           

  • We would suggest that you develop / discuss who is responsible for the reply texts and/or who is actioning them etc

Logs on Text Messages Sent and Received


Option 1 - On the Customer Order 

  • On the relevant Customer Order a new section Text History is generated

  • Text History section will list all the relevant texts both outgoing and incoming  for this Customer Order 

Options 2 - On the Customer Record

A log is kept on all SMS Text messages sent to Customers under the individual Customer Records Related - Text and Emails

User-added image

Text Templates

We have text templates that are available for you to setup and use

 To access these templates or create your own templates - System Settings > Text message templates

Simply click on the + Create a template or if you are editing an existing template, click into it

Then complete the New text template 


                    1.   Template Name         Exactly what it says - give your template a name

                    2.   Type your message    Type what you want this text message to say

                                                            **You can add variables from the system ie Store Name etc, by clicking on "[" 

and selecting the relevant variable 

                    3.   Character Count         Keep an eye on the number of characters you have used for this template

                    4.   Save                            Once you have finished your template, don't forget to SAVE

                    5.   Variables                     List of Variables that you can use in the body of the text in 2.   

In order to use the [store_nam] variable - you need to ensure that the Abbreviated business name is completed on the System Settings / Business Profile screen

To use a text template, when you click on Send Text from the Customer Record or from the Customer Order, the Send a Text window will load and you will have the option to Select a text message template

For further information, please review our article - Text Message Templates