This article will go through how you can setup Custom Data fields that you can use on Customer Owned Unit records and Unit Records

Standard Unit Data Fields 

We have provided the standard fields ie VIN number / Make / Model etc on the Customer Owned Units and Unit Records and also additional fields through Unit Record > Edit - Add More Information or Customer Owned Unit > Edit - Add More Information

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Custom Data Fields 

We also have 15 generic fields that can be customised for the Dealership in Blackpurl 

This means that the Dealership can add custom labels for additional Unit Data fields

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For example - you may need a custom field on your Customer Owned Units or Unit Records that says "Internal Finishes".

You would email [email protected] and ask to have one of the generic custom unit data fields on a Unit Record labelled as "Internal Finishes".

Blackpurl Support will change the label on the generic custom unit data fields in the back end of Blackpurl and then it will be available for selection in Unit Record > Edit or Customer Owned Unit > Edit

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then click on Add More Information to see your new custom labeled field for selection

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This field is now an open text field where you can add your own information then don't forget to User-added image

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This field will also show up on the front screen of the record

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This field will also show as default when you create / edit a Customer Owned Unit or create / edit Unit Order screen