Dealerships are always looking for easier ways to count their part inventory as it can be a very time consuming process - this article will go through how a barcode scanner app may be able to help
Blackpurl has the Part Count tool available but a lot of Dealerships do not have in house barcode scanners that would make this process so much quicker
All barcode scanning apps are very similar but we recommend that you please choose one that you will be comfortable using and will allow you to:
- scan the barcode of each part
- type in the count quantity
- type in a location (if applicable)
- export a .cvs formatted file - this is the file that you would then import into the Blackpurl Part Count tool
Please keep in mind that Barcode Scanning Apps will only help your Dealership if the parts you are scanning already exist in Blackpurl
Please ensure that whatever Barcode scanner app you use - practice it / use it / become familiar with it prior to the actual count day
Example of a Barcoding Scanning App
For this example we have downloaded the scanning app - Orca Scan from the Apple Store:

Now that you have downloaded the scanning app > most apps will require you to register:

Let's get started by scanning the first barcode:

This scanning app allows a location field

Now just continue to scan all your parts and when you are finish, look to export the file as an email

Just email the export file to your email address:

Once you have emailed the file to yourself and you have received it, clear the count on the scanning app ready for the next count

When you are ready, you can import the .csv file created by the scanning app into the Blackpurl Part Count tool
Here are the relevant articles that will assist you with the Blackpurl Part Count tool: