This article / video will walk you through how to process a Unit Order (Single Unit Order or Bulk Unit Order) / How to Print a Unit Order and what is the next step in the Unit Ordering process

Video - How to Process a Unit Order

Article - How to Process a Unit Order

  1. From the Blackpurl Header, click User-added image >


  1. Under the tab Active unit vendors, it will list all the relevant Vendors that the Dealership can order Units from

If the Vendor is not listed, click > to add a new Unit Vendor and complete the prompts

  1. In our example we are placing a Unit Order with the Vendor: BRP so we would click on the relevant BRP tile 

It will take the user to where the Active Orders and Order History will list (depending on the tab selected)

Active Orders tab will list any order that has not been received

Order History tab will list any order that has been fully processed and unit has been received 

As we are looking to process a Unit Order, we would stay on the Active Orders tab and click

  1. From the Unit Orders screen, there are 3 sections:

Section 1 - General Information

The General Information is about the unit itself ie Make / Model / If you have a Factory Order Number or want to use a specific Stock Number etc / VIN / Category etc

Complete the relevant fields - remember that some of the fields are mandatory (the indicates the mandatory fields)

*****For Bulk Unit Orders you must leave Stock Number and Vin number fields blank

            Bulk Unit Order action will allow you create up to 50 identical Unit Orders at one time 

Section 2 - Pricing & cost information

Complete the relevant fields:

Taxable - if you move the toggle to YES, you will be asked to nominate the Applicable Tax. Please note that it will automatically be set as per your System Setting default

Base Unit Price - type in the amount the dealership is on selling the unit for 

Base Unit Cost - type in the amount the unit will cost the dealership to buy

Then click on User-added image


Section 3 -  Additional information

We have provided a list of other information fields that you may need to use

Click on the relevant icon/s for the other information fields that are to be added to this Unit Order


  1. To finalise the Unit Order:

Single Order 

  • If you have added in a Stock Number and/or VIN then you will only have the option to create 1 Unit Order
  •  To finalise the Unit Order > click on

Bulk Unit Orders 

  • If you have not added in a Stock Number and/or VIN then you will also have the option of creating Bulk Unit Orders (up to 50 identical Unit Orders)
  • To finalise and create Bulk Unit Orders, click on

  • The option will be given to advise how many identical bulk unit orders you want to create:

  • In the How many of this unit are you ordering? - type in the quantity and then click on


  1. Blackpurl will then add your new Unit Order or Bulk Unit Orders to the Active Orders list under that particular Vendor


User-added image

Create Bulk Unit Orders from an Existing Active Unit Order

If you have an Active Order that you wish to use the Bulk Unit Order action on and order up to an additional 50 identical units:

  • Navigate to the relevant Active Orders section

  • Click on the Unit ID for the unit that you wish to use the Bulk Unit Order action on so you can create additional Unit Orders using the same information

Remember that you will not be able to use the Bulk Unit Order action unless the Stock number and VIN fields are blank

  • Then simply click on  

  • In the How many of this unit are you ordering? - type in the quantity and then click on 

  • Blackpurl will then add your new Bulk Unit Orders to the Active Orders list under that particular Vendor

How to Print a Unit Order  


  • To Print a Unit Order - just tick the checkbox on the unit or units you want to print a Unit Order for and there will be an option to Print

Next Step in the Unit Ordering Process


  • Once the Unit/s has been received, they will need to be received into stock

If the dealership needs to remove / delete a Unit Order, please review this article - 
How to Remove / Delete / Edit an existing Unit Order