This article / video will go through how to create a new Part Record in Blackpurl 

New Part Records are generally created when you upload a Vendor Price File but there may be times that you need to manually add a new Part Record 

Please note that the Vendor must already exist in Blackpurl - If the Vendor does not exist in Blackpurl then you will need to add the new Vendor first

This article will assist - How to Create / Add a New Vendor

Video - How to Add a New Part 

Article - How to Add a New Part 

  1. From the Blackpurl Header Click on User-added image > User-added image

User-added image

  1. Complete the relevant details on the New Merchandise window (just work your way slowly down the fields) and then click on User-added image
User-added image

A.  If you are creating a new part from a new Vendor, you will need to create the Vendor first

Review our article - How to Create / Add a New Vendor

B.  For Part Type - if the Vendor for this part has been setup for Products and Services - Part Purchases
and Merchandise Purchases such as this Vendor:

User-added image

then on the Parts record - you will be required to select a Part Type:

User-added image

For further information on Products & Services - please review our article - How to Setup Vendor Products and Services

This is the non-inventory part indicator

If you indicate that the part is a non-Inventory part, then you are basically telling Blackpurl that you do not want to keep track of quantities and/or average costs etc

If you add the non-inventory part to a Customer Order, it will automatically tell you it is in stock as it does not go through any Special Order VO/VR/VI process nor will you be able to order a non-inventory part

Quantity in Stock - when you first create a new part, you can enter in the Stock on Hand in this section

**For our Dealerships that have Accounting Integration, please be aware that if you do enter a quantity as Stock on Hand at this point, it will create a stock adjustment journal over to our accounting package based on the quantity and the cost entered

Debit - relevant Inventory General Ledger 

Credit - the default Stock Adjustment General Ledger 

If you don't enter in a Quantity at this point, you will need to do a Part Stock Adjustment at a later date if you need Stock on Hand 

Please review our article - How to Complete a Part Stock Adjustment