This article will explain what is Notional Input Tax Credits (NITC) / how to setup NITC / how does it work and if you want to claim NITC early in Blackpurl

For an overview of how Blackpurl deals with NITC, please review this article - Overview - How Blackpurl handles the Notional Input Tax Credit (NITC) on Units in Australia

The conversation regarding NITC usually begins as part of the Activation process and your Activation Specialist will discuss what your options are

Please note that Blackpurl does not advocate for or against NITC but what we have done is provided our Australian Dealerships with the relevant options

What is NITC 

Notional Input Tax Credits (NITC) is when the Dealership elects not to claim the Input Tax Credit for a Unit on their Business Activity Statement (BAS) until the Unit has actually sold

Please ensure that you discuss your Dealership's requirements with your Accountant 

It is ok if your Dealership / Accountant does not elect to do NITC - we have other Australian Dealerships on Blackpurl that don't and no further action is required by you

But for our Australian Dealerships that do elect to have NITC, the rest of this article is for you 

How to Setup NITC in Blackpurl 

Blackpurl is setup to give the Dealership the ability to account for NITC in Blackpurl in two scenarios:

  • Accounting for NITC when stocking in a Unit through Unit Ordering > Unit Receiving

  • Accounting for NITC for Trade in Units when they are stocked through Customer Order > Unit Deals - Trade In

In both these instances, the Dealership will need to set up the NITC settings:

  • From the Blackpurl Header > click on Other Tools and then select

  • Go to Settings tab > Accrued Tax Controls - Accrue Input Tax until Units are sold (NITC) and move toggle to enable 


  • Once it is enabled, you will be required to fill in further details

Accrue sales tax until units are sold (NITC)
this is to have NITC logic enabled

Enable tax accrual on order units by default 
- change the toggle to enabled if you want the NITC logic to be default on all order units

Notional input tax category 
- what category do you want to use for the Notional Input Tax

- We would recommend that you setup a new tax category for your NITC and assign the General Ledger
 where you want the tax to hold / wait until the units are sold - a clearing account as such

Sales tax liability category 
- what tax category do you want to use for the Sales Tax Liability

Purchase tax liability category

- what tax category do you want to use for the Purchase Tax Liability

Notional input tax expense category

- what tax category do you want to use for the Notional Input Tax Expense

How does it work 

Accounting for NITC when stocking in a Unit through Unit Ordering 

If the Dealership elects to Accrue purchase tax until the unit is sold when processing a Unit Order, the user will need to ensure that the relevant toggle is YES

User-added image 

User-added image

  • Confirm the relevant tax etc when processing the Unit Receiving 

  • Basically, the relevant tax will be held in the General Ledger assigned to the NITC Tax Category until the unit is sold

  • Once the unit is sold, the tax can now be claimed and the General Ledger assigned to the NITC Tax Category will be cleared 

Accounting for NITC for trade-in units when they are stocked through Customer Order > Unit Deal

When the Trade-in is added to a Customer Order > Unit Deal and subsequently stocked, the Dealership can elect to not claim the Input Tax Credit on the Trade-In until the Trade In has actually sold

When stocking in the Trade-In from a Customer Order Unit Deal, the relevant tax will be held in the General Ledger assigned to your NITC Tax Category account until the unit is sold

Once the unit is sold, the tax can be claimed and the General Ledger assigned to NITC Tax Category will be cleared to the Tax liability account

The original trade-in value then the difference in tax will be allocated to General Ledger assigned to the Notional input tax expense category.

What if the Dealership wants to claim the NITC before the Unit is sold

There may be different scenarios that the Dealership may want to claim the NITC before the unit is sold.

Blackpurl will allow you to record that the Dealership wants to manually claim the NITC before the unit is sold and then automatically do the relevant journals in your Accounting Package to allow the claiming of the relevant tax on the Business Activity Statement (BAS)

  • Navigate to the relevant Unit Record for the unit that you want to claim the NITC before it has been sold

  • On the Unit Record it will show you the amount that is currently being withheld as NITC 

  • If you wish to manually claim the NITC prior to the unit being sold on the Unit Record > Price & Cost Tracking section - Click ACTION > Manually Claim NITC 

  • User will be asked to confirm > Click on YES 

  • The Unit Record will now indicate that the NITC will now be claimed

  • This will automatically cause a journal to go across to your Accounting Package so that you are now claiming the NITC on your Business Activity Statement (BAS)

No further action in the Accounting package is required by the Dealership - as the journal will move the NITC amount from the NITC clearing General Ledger account over to the relevant GST on your Business Activity Statement (BAS)