This article will answer one of the questions we are asked quite often - whether or not the Payroll Clocking in Blackpurl will integrate to the Dealership's Payroll program

The quick and simple answer is no

Why was Payroll Clocking introduced into Blackpurl

Payroll Clocking was introduced into Blackpurl for the sole reason of calculating Productivity of your Technicians

For the calculation of Productivity, we need to know how many hours the Technician is available for work and we get this data when the Technician Payroll Clocks in/out of Blackpurl

Can other Staff use the Payroll Clocking

Yes - some of our Dealerships use Payroll Clocking for all their staff to find out the hours worked etc but at no time will the data integrate to the Dealership's Payroll program

If the Dealership would like to use this, then each relevant staff member will need to be setup as a Time Clocking staff (non Technician) under System Settings > Users - Time Clocking staff

This article will assist with setup - Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking Setup


Once setup your Time Clocking Staff will be required to Payroll Clock in/out of Blackpurl

This article will assist in how they do this - Payroll Clocking ON / OFF

Managing Payroll Clocking

The Payroll Clocking would need to be checked by the relevant Manager to make sure the Payroll Clocking is accurate

This article will assist if amendments need to be made - How to Manage Payroll Clocking

Reporting - Payroll Clocking

If the Dealership wishes to use this data for the processing of Payroll, they can print off the Payroll Hours Report for the applicable date range and then process it through their Payroll program

This article will assist with running this report - Reporting - Technician Performance / Technician Hours / Payroll Hours (Technician Productivity Reports)