This article will provide information on a Customer Service Job documents

Customer Service Jobs Documents have been changed:

  • The Service Job Worksheet format has changed to be more inline with the Customer Invoice

  • On the Service Job Worksheet - a barcode of the Customer Order number to make it easier to locate the CO in Blackpurl, if the Dealership uses barcode scanner

  • Additional information is now been included on the Service Documentation. For each job we now include:

More details about the job

  • Its job name and job type

  • When it was opened

  • Information about any related appointment

  • Invoice date and number if already invoiced

  • Technicians its been assigned to

More details about the unit

  • additional data values when populated such as Plate number / Engine and Other serial numbers / 
    any of the additional unit data fields that are populated

  • Concern / Cause / Correction section is now in the same styling as the Customer Invoice

For the Service Job Worksheet only, a box will appear for all of the Concern / Cause / Correction sections even if the field has not been populated.  This will allow the technician a place to write any information down when working on the job

  • Line Items - For the line items for each job, they will also mirror the styling of the Customer Invoice (including the system setting functionality for hiding part numbers / hiding hours and rates on labor, including MSRP and discount on parts etc)

However we have receive so many requests to hide the dollar values on third party and internal type jobs so that the Customer does not see the possible discounted prices, prices will only appear:

  • On the Service Job Review document 
  • Only for Customer Payment amounts ie not on third party jobs

This is how a Customer Payable Job appears on a Service Worksheet:

This is how a Third Party Job appears on a Service Job review document - none of the prices will list, only the customer payable excess:

  • Notes to Customer section - same styling as a Customer Invoice but on a Service Worksheet document, this section will be included even if there are no notes entered for the job.  This will give the technician a place to write this information down when working on a job

  • Document Totals - just like in the old version of these documents, totals will only appear on the Service Job Review document 

The difference now is that we are giving better information in these totals and just like with the line items, we will only include amounts that are payable by the Customer

  • Introduction of the Customer Service Order document:

We had a large number of requests from Dealerships to have the ability to provide a document to a Customer to not only list what they were paying for but also list the service work that they are not paying for ie third party or internal 

There is now an option to print/email an invoice which contains at least one customer payable service job, they will have the option to print what we call a Customer Service Order

The customer can be given the Customer Service Order which shows them all work performed for them even if they are not paying for it.