This article is regarding the new feature for Unit Product Types / Unit Data Fields that sit under System Settings > Settings and Control - Unit Product Types

Unit Product Types / Unit Data Fields 

This is where the Dealership can setup Unit Product Types and what Unit Data Fields can be allocated to show up on any Unit Record that has that specific Unit Product Type

What is a Unit Product Type?

It would be what type of Unit Product does your Dealership sell ie Trailers / Golf Carts / Motorcycles / Powersports etc 

Then attached to that specific Unit Product Type, you can have Unit Data Fields that will show up on the relevant Unit Records and also it you need them to show up on specific documentation 

As you can see above, each Dealership is setup with a Generic Product Type

Your Dealership can just modify this Unit Product Type and use it for all your Units - to modify, simply click on and then just go through the Unit Product Type& Data Fields pop up
Or alternatively if you want to create a new Unit Product Type by clicking on and go through the Unit Product TypeData Fields pop up and make your selections


This will list the Product Type Name 

B.Is this Product Type active in your Blackpurl
Move the toggle accordingly 
Will this Product Type will be the default in your Blackpurl?
Move the toggle accordingly
For example - each time you receive a new unit into stock, this will be the Product Type default that will be added to the Unit Record 
Unit Details tabs
Each one of these tabs have specific Unit Data Fields available for selection
You can click on the relevant tabs to see what is available and make your selection


These are the Unit Data Field under that tab and you get to select:
- Field Name - what is the name of the Unit Data Field
- Field Type - is it a text field / long text field / number / date etc
- Active - is that particular Data Field to be active. Check or uncheck the checkbox as the case may be
- Expose onService documents / Deal documents / Order documents

If you want the Unit Data Fields to show up on the Service documents / Deal documents / Order documents etc, then check or uncheck the checkbox accordingly  

F.Once you have finished - make sure you click 

Where to see these Product Types / Unit Data Fields in Blackpurl 

There are several places where these Product Types and Unit Data Fields will show up in Blackpurl

Unit Records 

Simply click on on any Unit Record to fill in any of these Unit Data Fields 

Customer Owned Unit Records

Simply click on on any Customer Owned Unit Record to fill in any of these Unit Data Fields

Unit Ordering
When creating a new Order Unit