This article will show the Dealership how to upload forms that can then be used in Customer Order as well as how to add forms to Customer Orders manually or linked (automatically add the forms)

These would be forms required that are not in the Blackpurl system generated forms that you can view here Blackpurl Standard forms. System generated forms are not in the form repository

Upload Forms for use in Customer Orders  

  1. To have the form/s available in Customer Orders, the form/s must first be uploaded into Blackpurl through
System Settings > Form repository

User-added image

  1. There are two tabs for the different types of forms:

Available Forms
  • This feature is available but Dealerships must first provide the relevant form/s to Blackpurl with instructions of what information needs to be mapped to the document

  • Blackpurl will then map the relevant information to the form and make it available for use

  • After mapping each time the form is used in Unit Deal / Parts & Accessories / Service Jobs - it will pre-populate with the information as per the Customer Order

  • This functionality will be beneficial for forms such as Contract of Sale / Finance documents etc

  • Please contact our sales team to see if your Blackpurl subscription allows for forms -

Active Forms
  • Forms that the Dealership can uploaded into the Forms repository for use on a Unit Deal / Parts & Accessories / Service Jobs

  • These will be static forms and require no mapping.  For example it maybe a Terms and Condition form that is required to be given to the customer etc

  • How to upload an Active Form:
    From the Active Forms tab > click  User-added image and find the relevant file 
User-added image

The New Upload window will pop up - complete the information ie Name / Description / Where does this form get used? then click on User-added image

Note: There is a size restriction - Each forms must be less than 25MB in size or they will not upload in Blackpurl


User-added image

The form is now uploaded and saved in Blackpurl in the Forms repository under the section where the form gets used

In our example below - we have upload a Blackpurl.pdf form that is available for use in Unit Deals: 

User-added image

The Form/s will now be available on a Customer Order under the section - Documents

In the example below is how the Documents section sits under the Unit Deal


User-added image

How to Add Forms to Customer Orders - Manually or Linked (Automatically)

There are two options for Dealers to add Forms to the Customer Orders:

  • Manually - User can manual select which forms they want to add to which Customer Order

  • Linked - User can link a form to automatically appear in the Documents section of the relevant type ie ALL Unit Deals / ALL Parts & Accessories / ALL Service Job

Option 1 - Manually 

  1. In our example, the form is available under the Forms repository for Unit Deals and we want to manually add the form to a Unit Deal Customer Order

From the Unit Deal section click on User-added image to open the Documents Section

User-added image

and click on User-added image

User-added image

  1. All forms available for Unit Deals will list for selection - tick the relevant checkbox > then click User-added image

User-added image 

  1. The forms has now been attached to the Unit Deal (note the print and delete icons on the form line)

User-added image

Option 2 - Linked (Automatically Add a Form to Customer Order)

  1. Once the form is available in the Forms repository, the Dealer wants it setup so that each time a Unit Deal or Parts & Accessories or Service Job is created, a particular form will be linked / automatically be added to the Customer Order

In our example we have added a form in the Forms repository which is available for Unit Deals only.
However we want to set it up that this form will link and automatically appear in all Unit Deal

From Account Settings 
Linked form management

User-added image

  1. From the Linked form management screen there are five tabs:

  • Overview - this will list all linked forms for all sections

  • Deal - the forms that have been linked to all Unit Deals

  • Financing - the forms that have been linked for Financing

  • Service - the forms that have been linked for all Service Jobs 

  • Vendor Product - the forms that have been linked when a particular Vendor Product is added to a Customer Order

User-added image

  1. For our example we are going to link the form Blackpurl.pdf (which is already in our Form repository) to be automatically added to every Unit Deal that is created

Click on the DEAL tab or on the Deal icon User-added image

There are currently no Linked Forms for Deals.  To setup a Linked Form > click on User-added image

User-added image

  1. Complete the Link a deal section form window by:

  • searching for the deal form you want to add

  • do you want to Make this form required (this means that staff cannot delete the form from the Unit Deal) - if so move the toggle

  • then click User-added image

User-added image

  1. The form will now list as being linked to Unit Deals:

User-added image

  1. End result - each time a Unit Deal section is added to a Customer Order, this form will automatically load and will be available under the Document section:

User-added image

Attachments - Attach Files

In both the Service Job and Unit Deal > Documents sections, the Dealership also have the option of just adding attachments ie maybe a document the Dealership needs to keep with the Unit Deal / maybe details of an agreement for trade etc 

Simply click on  and then locate the file you want to import and attach to the Customer Order

This is the Unit Deal section view:

This is the Service Job section view :

The pdf document can be up to the limit of 25MB in size