The Invoice Detail Report will provide you with a complete breakdown of all line items invoiced to a customer within the parameters given ie date range
It will allow you to see each invoiced line item - what was sold / who sold it / sold price/cost price/profit in $ / profit in %
How to run the Invoice Detail Report
- From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Reports - Invoice Detail
- The report will generate with the following default parameters:
- Type: Customer Invoice Detail
- Invoice Date: Last 7 Days
- Sales Types: All
- Item Types: All

Remember that you can change the parameters by clicking on 

For example
- you may wish to report on a specific Salesperson or a specific Sales Type or a specific date range, just change the parameters to suit
**Please note that if you are changing the Invoice Date range to a Custom Date range, due to the volume of data, the system will not allow you to exceed the 30 days date range
- There is also an option to do a Summary only by Invoice
- The default columns are:
- Type
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Date
- Customer Name
- Salesperson
- Sales Type
- Item Type
- Item Description
- Qty
- Total Price
- Total Cost
- Total Profit
- Total Gross Pct (percentage)
Remember that you can remove or add additional columns by clicking
and selecting or deselecting.

More Information on Reporting
For more information regarding Reporting, please review the following articles:
- This will provide you with details on how to get totals / change columns and filters / how to print or export etc - Reporting Tips - Totals / Changing Columns / Changing Parameters / Exporting Search Results / Save Custom Reports / Scheduling Reports / Favourite Reports
- This will provide you with details on how to schedule reports ie you want the report to generate once a month at midnight and be emailed to another Blackpurl User - Reporting - Scheduled Reporting
- Just details on where the reports are in Blackpurl - Reporting - Where are the Reports?
- Did you know you can share custom reports? This article will assist - Reporting - Share Custom Reports