This article will go through the Technician Productivity Reports which include:

  • Technician Performance

  • Technician Hours 

  • Payroll Hours


For Blackpurl to have the required information to prepare these reports, Job Clocking and Payroll Clocking must be setup in the system and must be used.

To setup Job Clocking and Payroll Clocking, please review our article - Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking Setup 

Understanding how to use Payroll Clocking and Job Clocking, please review the following articles:

Payroll Clocking ON / OFF
Service Job - Job Clocking On / Off Service Job
Other Tasks - Job Clocking On / Off  Other Tasks 

How to run Technician Productivity Reports

Blackpurl has introduced the following Productivity Reports:

  • Technician Performance

  • Technician Hours 

  • Payroll Hours

To run these reports:

  1. From the Blackpurl Header > click Reporting > Reports

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  1. From Common Search > click on the report you want - Technician Performance / Payroll Hours / Technician Hours

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  • Each report will automatically default to certain parameters ie Last 7 Days for all Technicians

  • These parameters can be changed ie different date range / report on a specific Technician etc by clicking on User-added image and then change your parameters to suit and then click User-added image

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Technician Performance Report

  • This will report on the Productivity / Proficiency / Efficiency of your Technicians using the data collected from Job Clocking / Payroll Clocking / Hours Invoiced

  • The result of the report will depend on the filters used ie date range / specific Technicians etc and the accuracy of your staff clocking in / out of Job Clocking and Payroll Clocking

Reviewing the Technician Performance Report:

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List of Technicians that meet the report filters

Hours Worked - this information comes from Payroll Clocking.
  • How long each Technician has been Payroll Clocked On

 Hours Clocked On - this information comes from Job Clocking.
  • The total amount of hours the Technicians have been Job Clocked onto Service Jobs

Productivity - is calculated by comparing the No. Hours Clocked (Job Clocked onto Service Jobs) vs No. of Hours Worked  (Payroll Clocking)
  • In our example below, you can see the Technician Cathy Price was Payroll Clocked in for 7.59 hours (Hours Worked) but she only Job Clocked on to Service Jobs (Hrs Clocked On) for a total of 5.3 6hours of that time

  • (5.36 hours divided by 7.59 hours) x 100% to get 70.62% productivity rating 
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The following questions would be raised:

- What was she doing for the other 2.23 hours (7.59 hours less 5.36 hours)?

- Is the Job Clocking incorrect ie the technician didn't job clock onto other jobs when they should have?

- Is the Payroll Clocking incorrect ie the Technician didn't clock off correctly?

Clocked Hours Invoiced - Lists of hours on Customer Orders that have been billed / invoiced

Clocked Hours WIP - List of Work In Process (WIP) hours that could be invoiced out. 
  • In our example below, you can see Technician Cathy Price Job Clocked for a total of 5.36 hours. 
  • Out of the 5.36 hours, the dealership invoiced 1.32 hours out to customers
  • This leaves 4.04 hours WIP still left to be charged out (5.36 hours less 1.32 hours = 4.04 hours)

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Invoice Hrs - Amount actually billed out on the Customer Orders from the Hours Clocked
  • In our example below, you can see Technician Cathy Price, Job Clocked Hours Invoices was 1.32 hours but the dealership actually Invoiced 2.3 hours instead

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Invoice Hrs WIP - How much additional WIP was billed out to customers on the date range
  • For our example below, you can see the dealership also billed out an additional 13.56 hours this particular day
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Efficiency - is calculated by comparing the Clocked Hours Invoiced vs Invoiced Hours (including WIP)
  • For our example below, you can see the (Invoice Hours + Invoice Hours WIP) / Hours Clocked x 100% will give you Efficiency %
  • (2.30 hours + 13.66 hours) / 5.36 hours  x 100% = 295.90% Efficiency
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Proficiency - is calculating by comparing the billed invoiced hours divided by available hours (Payroll Clocking)
  • In our example below, you can the (Invoice Hours & Invoice Hours WIP / Hours Worked x 100% will give you your Proficiency %
  • (2.30 hours + 13.66 hours) / 7.59hours x 100% = 208.95% Proficient
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Other Tasks - How many hours were the technicians working on other tasks ie cleaning or talking to customer - unbillable hours


Invoiced Cost - If your dealership uses individual Labour Cost Rate, this column would indicate how much labour cost was invoiced


Uninvoiced Cost - If your dealership uses individual Labour Cost Rate, this column would indicate how much labour cost was uninvoiced

Keep in mind that the Technician Performance report does not represent the hours that were invoiced out on a certain day or time period

It is highly likely that on any given day the Dealership has invoiced out jobs where the technician worked on them (logged time) on a previous day or time period

The Technician Performance report is instead is a report strictly about the technician and how the hours they clocked onto jobs were distributed in order to determine productivity / efficiency / proficiency

If the Dealership is trying to determine the total number of hours invoiced out to customers on a certain day or time period the Technician Performance report is not for you

To get that information, run an Open Service Job report and change the parameters to be Status = Invoiced and indicate the date frame 

This is the link to the relevant report - Reporting - Open Service Jobs

Technician Hours Report  

  • This reports on Job Clocking hours by Technicians - depending on the parameters used ie date range / specific technician etc

  • The report will default with the filters ALL Technicians and Last 7 Days - to change the parameters at any time by clicking on the User-added image

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  • It is recommended that this report is reviewed on a regular basis to pick up any Job Clocking IN / OUT errors.  For example a Technician may not have Job Clocked out of a job correctly or forgotten to

Payroll Hours Report 

  • This reports on Payroll Clocking hours by all staff that are setup and required to use Payroll Clocking depending on the filters used ie date range / specific staff etc

  • The report will default with the filters Last 7 Days - to change the parameters at any time by clicking on the User-added image  

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  • It is recommended that this report is reviewed on a regular basis to pick up any Payroll Clocking IN / OUT errors

  • Are staff clocking in/out correctly?  Are they making mistakes ie not clocking out at the right time etc that need to be fixed?

If you want to learn more about reports ie how to export, print, changing columns etc, please review our article - Reporting Tips - Totals / Changing Columns / Changing Parameters / Exporting Search Results