This article will show you how to run the Unreceived VO items report 

The benefits of using this report is that it will allow the Dealership an easier way to see what is on backorder / what is yet to be received and/or then chase up the relevant Vendor  

It will list the relevant Vendor / VO number / Items / Needed For ie stock or for a Customer / When it was ordered and expected

How to run the Unreceived VO items Report


  • From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Reports

    User-added image

  • In our Blackpurl reports section > Ordering > Unreceived VO items 

  • The report will run with a set of default parameters and columns

  • But remember you can change the parameters by clicking on and changing the search parameters to suit how you want to search

For example - you may want to search to see any unreceived VO items from a specific Vendor so you would indicate the Vendor as below

  • You can also change the columns listing by clicking on  then selecting and/or deselecting the columns you want:

More Information on Reporting

For more information regarding Reporting, please review the following articles:

  • This will provide you with details on how to schedule reports ie you want the report to generate once a month at midnight and be emailed to another Blackpurl User - Reporting - Scheduled Reporting