This article will explain how to run the Parts Needed Report and what it is for

The Parts Needed report will show you what parts need to be ordered, the relevant Vendor the parts needs to be ordered for (for stock or specific customer) etc

How to run the Parts Needed Report 

There are two options of accessing this report:

Option 1 

  • From the Blackpurl Homepage > click on the Parts Needed widget

Option 2 

  • From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Reports

    User-added image

  • In our Blackpurl reports section > Ordering > Parts Needed 

Parts Needed Report 

  • Once you have navigated to the report, this is the default format of the report:

  • Remember that you can change the parameter / filter to have the report show you what you need to see - for example maybe you just want to see what Parts need to be ordered 

  • Use this report to work out what Vendor Orders the Dealership needs to play / what Vendor Orders can wait etc

We would recommend that this report will need to be reviewed at least once a day by the user that is responsible for ordering parts for your dealership

More Information on Reporting

For more information regarding Reporting, please review the following articles:

  • This will provide you with details on how to schedule reports ie you want the report to generate once a month at midnight and be emailed to another Blackpurl User - Reporting - Scheduled Reporting