This report will list all open Vendor Orders that your login has in your Blackpurl

If these are YOUR Vendor Orders for parts that you are in charge of, then you should be running the report on a regular basis to see if they need to be chased up etc 

How to run the My Vendor Orders Report 

  • From the Blackpurl Header > Reporting > Reports

    User-added image

  • In our Blackpurl reports section > Ordering > My Vendor Orders 

  • The default parameters are as follows:

Type - Vendor Order

Owner - Owned by Me

Status - Open

Remember you can change the parameters by clicking on For example you may want to change the date range or see closed Vendor Orders

  • The default columns are:
  • Type 
  • Order Number
  • Vendor 
  • Status 
  • Total 
  • Created 
  • Modified 
  • Expected

Remember you can select and/or deselect other columns by clicking on

For example, you may wish to take out the column STATUS etc

More Information on Reporting

For more information regarding Reporting, please review the following articles:

  • This will provide you with details on how to schedule reports ie you want the report to generate once a month at midnight and be emailed to another Blackpurl User - Reporting - Scheduled Reporting