What's new?

Customer Order > Unit Deals - Editing Temporary Units 

  • Users can now fully edit temporary units, including change pricing, add and/remove Factory options etc by simply clicking on 

  • The Edit temporary unit pop up will then allow you to make your changes

Don't forget to click on to go to the next page

 and then when you have finished

Customer Order - Search to Add (STA) - Copy and Paste 

Dealerships can copy (from another source etc) and then paste the value into the STA and it will now be treated the same as if the Dealership had used a scanner to input the value into the STA and auto-select the relevant part when there is a single exact match

Warning added to Add New > Stock Unit functionality

We have reintroduced a warning when adding a new stock unit using the Add New > Stock Unit functionality 

It will remind the user that this action will cause a journal to go through to the Dealership's Accounting Package which may cause duplication of entries in your Inventory General Ledger if the user is not careful and understand the consequence

We recommend that should you use the Add New > Stock Unit functionality that you seek your accountant / bookkeepers advice first

For further information, please review our article - How to Create / Add a new Stock Unit

Please note that the recommended process to stock units into Blackpurl is through the Unit Vendor Order / Vendor Receiving.  For further information on this process, please review our articles - How to Process a Unit Order (Single Unit Order or Bulk Unit Orders) / How to process a Unit Receiving (Single Unit Receiving or Bulk Unit Receiving)

What's Improved? 

  • Resolved - an issue for part status under parts order report
  • Changes - UI/UX fixes - Tech Scheduling, Adding line items
  • New - Information banner when Blackpurl is connected to the Easystart / Simple Start QuickBooks versions 

If Dealerships have Easystart / Simple Start QuickBooks then it means that no Vendor Invoices integrate due to restrictions imposed by the Easystart / Simple Start QuickBooks subscription

  • Resolved - an issue where invoice totals were different on job review printout
  • Resolved - an issue where part category was overridden by category of transaction type on Xero
  • Resolved - an issue to stop duplicate Shopify products when they are linked to Blackpurl part
  • Resolved - Unit Record Key# field shows on service worksheet
  • Released - Mapped forms for specific Dealerships.  The relevant Dealerships will be notified directly
  • Resolved - the functionality to add rideaway pricing toggle and stamp duty for Edit temporary unit model window (this is to return full functionality of the rideaway pricing toggle that was removed in error)
  • Resolved - performance issue where create COU screen was hanging on large number make/model/submodel
  • Resolved - an issue where invoice preview was showing different amounts and totals
  • Resolved - an issue where invoice was not getting sync to Xero accounting when customer order does have any kit
  • Resolved - an issue where fee was not selectable in the checkout section in a scenario where fee is added as part of the breakup kit
  • Change - the word Labor on the Customer Invoice will be shown as Labour instead if the dealership is marked as New Zealand / Australian
  • Resolved - an issue where shop supplies are not getting taxed when Labor in a kit
  • Resolved - an issue where submodel listing is not shown as per selected model while creating temp units
  • Resolved - a scenario where customer search was showing part results
  • Resolved - a scenario where merchandise keyword is shown under unit search