What's new? 

Accounting Integration - Payments and Deposits  / Payment Accounting Method Conversion

We have introduced a new feature and made some changes to:

  • Reduced the volume of journal entries hitting the Customer Deposits General Ledger (GL) so that only entries related to actual customer deposits on CO’s hit this GL

  • Allowed the Customer Deposits GL to be a liability GL account

  • Facilitated easier banking entry reconciliation against what is currently the Undeposited Funds GL by drastically reducing the volume of journal entries hitting this GL

  • Generated cash reconciliation journal entries including cash over/short amounts

For our existing Dealerships, you don't have to opt in to this feature but if you choose to opt in, then there will be no turning back

Please ensure that you read and understand this document before going through the conversion required - Payment Accounting Method Conversion

If you have any questions whatsoever and before you start the conversion, please contact BP Support

New System Settings 

When printing Invoice preview documentation from a Customer Order, the invoice number on the printed document can now be either TBD or the Customer Order Number 

There is a new System Setting > Settings and Controls - Shop Settings - TBD as invoice# on previews that gives the Dealership the option 

To enable the use of TBD as the Invoice number - simply move the toggle to on

To use the Customer Order Number as the Invoice number instead then leave the toggle off

What's Improved? 

Resolved - an issue where inactive units were not shown for the stock unit report
Resolved - BP Deductible Clearing GL issue in accounting reconciliation
Changed - Adjustment date is populated for UPCs while receiving an ordered unit from the vendor. Also, Adjustment date is populated on internal service for an unit
Resolved - other charges tax rounding issue on QB and Xero for VI
Changed - added validation to show support tiles to admin group users only
Resolved - an issue where parts total  were missing from the invoice
Resolved - an issue where admin users with the correct permission are unable to edit user permission
Resolved - an issue for unit deals when the invoice is not showing fee names
Resolved - an issue where Stock In Date for stock units were blank
Resolved - an issue to print forms and added a condition for the blank sales tax percentage while printing the form
Resolved - an error on Bulk Delete when the internal service job is having a kit and the kit contains a labor in it
Resolved - URL issue while connecting Xero/QB

Resolved - page error while loading unit order screen when a vendor is having more than 1000 ordered units
Resolved - VO print issue when printing multi-page Invoices / column header issue