This article will go through what Account Reconciliations you should be doing to make sure that your figures in the relevant General Ledgers in your accounting package balance out to the figures in Blackpurl

Remember that these are Blackpurl Control Accounts and are being managed by Blackpurl and that the figures in Blackpurl should be used as the "truth"

To prevent reconciliation issues you should never post entries manually / directly into the accounting package against any of these General Ledger accounts

Also as part of what should be your standard practices in your accounting package, you should never modify or delete a transaction or journal entry that was generated by Blackpurl integration

Keep in mind that if you modify / delete / add additional transaction to these Control Accounts then Blackpurl Support will be unable to assist you, if you need assistance balancing out the accounts 


These are the recommendations of what you should be reconciling on a regular basis:

Subject Link to relevant Article 

Sublet Accrual General Ledger 

Balancing out Sublet Accrual General Ledger to Blackpurl 

Store Credit Liability General Ledger 

Balancing out Store Credit Liability General Ledger to Blackpurl 

Stocked Trade Clearing General Ledger 

Balancing out Stocked Trade Clearing General Ledger to Blackpurl 

WIP Labour Inventory General Ledger 

Balancing out WIP Labor Inventory General Ledger to Blackpurl 

Customer Deposit Clearing General Ledger

Balancing out Customer Deposits General Ledger to Blackpurl 

Unit Inventory General Ledger/s 

Balancing out Unit Inventory General Ledger Accounts to Blackpurl 

Part Inventory General Ledger/s

Balancing out Part Inventory General Ledger Accounts to Blackpurl 

Deal Option General Ledger 

Balancing out Deal Option Clearing General Ledger to Blackpurl

Receiving Inventory Accrual General Ledger 
Balancing out Received Inventory Accrual General Ledger to Blackpurl