This article is going to go through how Blackpurl is handling Vendor: Turn 14 Automated Price Files and the setup required

Your Blackpurl can be setup so that each night, Blackpurl will retrieve the Turn 14 Price File on your behalf and then import / update the relevant changes into your Blackpurl - all automatically   


Turn 14 

Dealership will need to do the following with Turn 14:

  1. Login in using your usual credentials

  2. Click on Settings & Data

  3. Click on the API tab

  4. Complete and Agree to the Terms & Request Access (see below)

  5. Once the Turn 14 sales rep for the account approves this API access request (<24 hours) the

    account will be issued API credentials (see example below)

  6. Mark down the Integration Partner (ie Blackpurl) you’re utilizing (example below) and click ‘Save’

  7. Request Production access (example below) - NOTE: this can only be done by the admin

    for the account)


Once the setup with Turn 14 is completed, Blackpurl will need to be setup 

Please complete the Blackpurl request form by clicking on this link  - Request Turn 14 Automated Price File and then select the option - Turn 14 Integration

You will also be asked to supply the following information that you have received from Turn 14: 

  • Your Turn 14 Account number (Dealer ID)
  • Your Client ID
  • The Client Secret you have been given 

Once we receive this request, Blackpurl Support will then finalise the setup in Blackpurl and advise you when it is complete 

How does it work - Automated Turn 14 Price Files in Blackpurl 

Once the setup is fully complete:

  • your Dealership will start to receive nightly Turn 14 Price File updates which will then be automatically imported directly into your Blackpurl and update the relevant Part Records

  • to check status of the Turn 14 Price File in Blackpurl, you can go through Other Tools > Processed Price Files 

then review the Turn 14 Price File tile (an example of how the Turn 14 Price File tile will look):  

The Turn 14 Price File tile will indicate:

  • that it is Automatic
  • when was the Last Import Date
  • the status of the Import ie Review Import / Up to date/ Review errors

    If you do getthis will indicate that the price file has been import but there are line items from the Price File that have failed to import   

    If you click on the icon, it will provide you with the summary result of how many line items imported and how many line items from the price file failed to import  

See example below of the summary result:
To view the errors (those that failed to import), click on and a csv file will export for you to  
review what line items did not export and why ie duplication etc to decide if you need to add the parts in manually etc 

Here is an example of a failed export csv file and you can see in this instance the Part number did not     
import as it was a duplicate :

User-added image