This article will go through how to change the Tax Options on Customer Orders for our Dealerships in the USA 

For setup of Taxation etc, please review our article - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

Where to see Tax options on Customer Orders 

There are sections in a Customer Order - Unit Deals / Parts & Accessories / Service Jobs that will give you what tax options are available to you 

Unit Deal section

Each time you add a new Unit to the Unit Deal section, the default tax setting will automatically load

The user can leave as is and it will default to the default tax (usually based on the Dealership's address) that is in the Tax Activity and Settings section but there are other taxation options available ie calculate taxes based on Customer Billing Address or Shipping Address

Under the Summary section:

If these tax options are set in the Unit Deal Summary section, then they will be the default for all units sold on this Unit Deal

Sales Taxes 

This will list any Sales Tax that is attached to the whole of the Unit Deal - remember that a Unit Deal may have multiple units being purchased

If you wish to see the breakup of the taxes, click on

Calculate taxes based on: 

Billing Address 

If you need to charge tax that is based on the billing address of the Customer, then please enable this toggle

Blackpurl will then "look" at the billing address indicated on the Customer Record and then calculated the tax based on that address

You will need to ensure that the FULL address of the billing address is indicated on the Customer Record so that the applicable tax is charged 

You can also set this as default to always use the billing address - see item 37. under B. Settings > Automatic Tax Rate Controls in this article  - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

If the user tries to enable the Calculate taxes based on Billing Address action and sell to a Customer not in a state where the Dealership collects and remits sales tax for, the user will receive an error message - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

Shipping Address 

This option is only available when a shipping address is added to the Customer Order or Customer Record

If you need to charge tax that is based on the shipping address of the Customer, then please enable this toggle

Blackpurl will then "look" at the shipping address indicated and then calculated the tax based on that address

Please ensure that the full shipping address is recorded

If the user tries to enable the Calculate taxes based on Shipping Address action and sell to a Customer not in a state where the Dealership collects and remits sales tax for, the user will receive an error message to say that - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

Under the Unit section of each unit sold:

Calculate taxes based on customer:

Billing Address

If you need to charge tax that is based on the billing address of the Customer, then please enable this toggle

Blackpurl will then "look" at the billing address indicated on the Customer Record and then calculated the tax based on that address

You will need to ensure that the FULL address of the Customer is indicated on the Customer Record so that the applicable tax is charged 

You can also set this as default to always charge Tax based on Billing Address - see item 37. under B. Settings > Automatic Tax Rate Controls in this article - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

If the user tries to enable the Calculate taxes based on customer billing address action and sell to a Customer not in a state where the Dealership collects and remits sales tax for, the user will receive an error message to say that - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

The Unit Deal will automatically charge the default Dealership taxes

Shipping Address 

This option is only available when a shipping address is added to the Customer Order or Customer Record

If you need to charge tax that is based on the shipping address of the Customer, then please enable this toggle

Blackpurl will then "look" at the shipping address indicated and then calculated the tax based on that address

Please ensure that the full shipping address is recorded

If the user tries to enable the Calculate taxes based on Shipping Address action and sell to a Customer not in a state where the Dealership collects and remits sales tax for, the user will receive an error message to say that - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

4.If there is a special tax that needs to be taken into consideration, then you would ensure that the taxable toggle is enabled and the select the special tax

5. Tax these options the same way

The Dealership has the option of taxing any options either the same way as the Unit Deal or leave as is and they will be taxed locally (as per the Dealership's setup)

On each unit sold on the Unit Deal, you do have options as to the taxation calculations - here are few different scenarios:

Scenario 1 

Customer is buying this unit from the Dealership / Dealership default tax is to be charged / no special taxes / all options are to be taxed the same as the default settings.  The settings would be 

Scenario 2 

Customer is buying this unit from the Dealership / Default tax is to be charged / a special tax / all options are to be taxed as per the Dealership's default.  The settings would be:

Scenario 3 

Customer is buying this unit from the Dealership / Default tax is to be charged / a special tax / all options are to be taxed the same way (not locally).  The settings would be 

Scenario 4 

Customer is buying the unit from the Dealership / tax will be based on where the customer lives / there are no special taxes / options are to be taxed at the local rate.  The settings would be:

Scenario 5 

Customer is buying the unit from the Dealership / the tax charged will be based on where the customer lives / there is no special tax / options to be taxed at the same rate as the Unit.  The settings would be:

Scenario 6 

Customer is buying the unit from the Dealership / the customer lives in a state that the Dealership does not collect & remit sales taxes for 

If the user tries to enable the Tax based on the billing address action, the user will receive an error message to say that - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

The Unit Deal will then automatically charge the default Dealership taxes

For a list of the states that the Dealership collects and remits sales taxes - see item 36. under B. Settings > Automatic Tax Rate Controls in this article - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

Scenario 7

Customer is buying the unit from the Dealership / tax will be based on where the unit is shipped to  / there are no special taxes / options are to be taxed at the local rate.  The settings would be:

Scenario 8 

Customer is buying the unit from the Dealership / the tax charged will be based on where the unit is shipped to / there is no special tax / options to be taxed at the same rate as the Unit.  The settings would be:

If you have a different scenario that you need a hand with the settings, please contact Blackpurl Support 

Parts & Accessories section

The Parts & Accessories section will load with the default taxes but in the summary section, the user will be provided with other tax options 

Calculate taxes based on customer 

Billing Address:

If you need to charge tax that is based on the billing address, then please enable this toggle
Blackpurl will then "look" at the billing address indicated on the Customer Record and then calculated the tax based on the address

You will need to ensure that the FULL address of the Customer is indicated on the Customer Record so that the applicable tax is charged 

If the user tries to enable the Calculate taxes based on Customer billing Address action and sell to a Customer not in a state where the Dealership collects and remits sales tax for, the user will receive an error message to say that - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

The sale will automatically charge the default Dealership taxes

For a list of the states that the Dealership collects and remits sales taxes - see item 36. under B. Settings > Automatic Tax Rate Controls in this article - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

Shipping Address

If you need to charge tax that is based on the shipping address of the Customer, then please enable this toggle

Blackpurl will then "look" at the shipping address indicated and then calculated the tax based on that address

Please ensure that the full shipping address is recorded

If the user tries to enable the Calculate taxes based on Shipping Address action and sell to a Customer not in a state where the Dealership collects and remits sales tax for, the user will receive an error message to say that - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

The sale will automatically charge the default Dealership taxes

For a list of the states that the Dealership collects and remits sales taxes - see item 36. under B. Settings > Automatic Tax Rate Controls in this article - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

7.Override how taxes are calculated?

If the Dealership needs to override the default taxes with a special tax, enable this toggle and then select the relevant tax 


Then you will need to select which Item Types that you want to use this tax for:

8.Sales Tax Details

This will list any Sales Tax that is attached to the Parts & Accessories

If you wish to see the breakup of what taxes, click on


Service Job section

The Service Job section will load with the default taxes but in the summary section, the user will be provided with other tax options 

9.Calculate taxes based on customer 

Billing Address:

If you need to charge tax that is based on the billing address, then please enable this toggle
Blackpurl will then "look" at the billing address indicated on the Customer Record and then calculated the tax based on the address

You will need to ensure that the FULL address of the Customer is indicated on the Customer Record so that the applicable tax is charged 

If the user tries to enable the Calculate taxes based on customer billing address action for a customer that does not reside in a state which the Dealership collects / remits sales tax for, the user will receive an error message to say that - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

The sale will automatically charge the default Dealership taxes

For a list of the states that the Dealership collects and remits sales taxes - see item 36. under B. Settings > Automatic Tax Rate Controls in this article - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

Shipping Address

If you need to charge tax that is based on the shipping address of the Customer, then please enable this toggle

Blackpurl will then "look" at the shipping address indicated and then calculated the tax based on that address

Please ensure that the full shipping address is recorded

If the user tries to enable the Calculate taxes based on Customer shipping address action for a customer that does not reside in a state which the Dealership collects / remits sales tax for, the user will receive an error message to say that - You don't collect/remit sales taxes for the state indicated on the customer address

The sale will automatically charge the default Dealership taxes

For a list of the states that the Dealership collects and remits sales taxes - see item 36. under B. Settings > Automatic Tax Rate Controls in this article - USA - Taxation including Reporting / Setup / Changing Tax on Customer Orders

10.Override how taxes are calculated?

If the Dealership needs to override the default taxes with a special tax, enable this toggle and then select the relevant tax

Then you will need to select which Item Types that you want to use this tax for:

11.Sales Tax Details

This will list any Sales Tax that is attached to the whole of the Unit Deal

If you wish to see the breakup of what taxes, click on
