Getting Started

Getting Ready for Accounting Integration - Xero
Blackpurl can be fully integrated with Xero - this article will cover a few important details that you must be aware of and how to establish connection b...
Thu, 20 Jul, 2023 at 5:50 AM
Getting Ready for Accounting Integration - QuickBooks Online
Blackpurl can be fully integrated with QuickBooks Online - this article will cover a few important details that you must be aware of QuickBooks Onli...
Tue, 23 Jan, 2024 at 7:21 AM
Blackpurl Homepage
This article will explain the Blackpurl Homepage and how you can limit accessibility to the Blackpurl Homepage if required Blackpurl Homepage General Info...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 10:51 AM
What is the Blackpurl Header? / How the Blackpurl Header looks on Mobile Devices
This article will explain what the Blackpurl Header is and how to use it and what the Blackpurl Header looks like on a mobile device ie tablet Blackpur...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 11:56 AM
Types of Customer Orders / Basic Navigation of Customer Order Screen
This article will go through the different types of Customer Orders available in Blackpurl and the basic navigation of a Customer Order screen Ty...
Fri, 10 Nov, 2023 at 11:32 AM
Browser / Operating System Compatibility
This article will cover the following topics:  Supported Browsers Supported Operating Systems Supported Resolutions Updating your Browser Considera...
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023 at 11:41 AM
Payment Methods / Details of the Option of Charge on Account
This article will show you how to select or deselect Payment Methods for use in Blackpurl as well as give details about the option of Charge on Account  ...
Fri, 15 Mar, 2024 at 10:47 AM
Blackpurl Support
How to contact Blackpurl Support  Option 1 - Chat Bubble The option is available to all licenced users and is accessible directly from Blackpurl by ...
Thu, 29 Aug, 2024 at 9:17 AM
Blackpurl Standard Forms available
This article will go through what Blackpurl Standard Forms are available  Blackpurl Standard Forms available  This is a list of the Blackpurl Stand...
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023 at 12:05 PM
Benefits of Clean Make / Model / Sub Model & Factory Options Data
In this article, we will explore the advantages of establishing a clean make / model database during your dealership's activation Clean Database ...
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023 at 12:23 PM