The article will explain that there is a User Permission that Dealerships have control over - in case they do not want your Users to have access to the Blackpurl Homepage

This is the Blackpurl Homepage - do you want Users having access to this?

User Permission to see the Blackpurl Homepage 

We have introduced new User Permission so that the Dealership can control which users can see / review the Homepage dashboard

Navigate to the relevant System Setting > User Permissions - Select a Permission Group and then if you do not want that Permission Group to have access to the Blackpurl Homepage > disable the permission - Homepage dashboard

  • When this User Permission is enabled - it will mean that this User Group will be able to see the Homepage dashboard 

For further information about the Homepage dashboard, please review our article - Blackpurl Homepage

  • When this User Permission is disabled - it will mean that the User Group will NOT be able to see the Homepage dashboard

Instead they will see your Dealership logo in the middle of the screen