This article will explain the User Permission for Unit Cost and Part Cost 

User Permission for Unit Costs and Parts Costs 

Blackpurl has User Permissions that controls over the visibility and the ability to edit Unit Costs and Parts Costs

Navigate to the relevant Permission Group and review General Permissions > Costs 

In our example below you can see that any user in this Permission Group will have no access to Costs 

User-added image

If the users in this Permission Group require access to Costs, you would move the toggle accordingly

Once the toggle is on - new options will appear for you to make your selection as to what you want this Permission Group to be able to do and in what section ie Parts and Units

User-added image

  • Read only - the users in this Permission Group will only be able to read only the Costs

  • Modify - if you want the users to be able to modify a cost, then you will need to move the toggle accordingly

  • Part Costs - if you want these users to have access to Part costs, you would leave it as enabled

  • Unit Costs - if you want these users to have access to Unit costs, you would leave it as enabled

 For further information on User Permissions, please review our article - System Settings > User Permissions - What are User Permissions / How to Setup User Permissions