What’s new?
Shopify integration updates
Finalising Stage 1 - Shopify integration to be rolled out to our Pilot Dealership for testing
For further information on Shopify integration, please review our article - Shopify Integration
Image compression
- Implemented image compression to allow much larger images to be attached to units and customer orders
- There will be no change to the limit of a image ie 1.25MG but what we have done is allowed Users to upload larger images and have them automatically compressed to fit the 1.25MG restriction
- For further information, please review our article - How to Add Images on Unit Records / How to Delete Images from Unit Records
Part Movement Report - change of logic
- Instead of running this lengthy report using set default parameters ie date range, Users will be presented up front with the parameters selection box to make their selection
- The report will then run as per User's parameters/requirements
- This logic was changed so that Users did not have to wait for the report to run when first accessing the report - saving time!
- For further information, please review our article - Reporting - Part Movement
What’s improved?
- Changed - page orientation for specific Dealership's Form
- Correction - an issue which allowed a user to adjust a part quantity which had already been sold on another sale transaction in the same browser sessions
- Resolved - an issue in the automated price file importing tool which caused parts from one Vendor to be superseded to parts from another Vendor
- Resolved - an issue which caused a part to appear to be on order when viewing the Part Record but it was not actually on order
- Correction - issue in the Part Inventory Valuation Report which caused the location column to not populate or for certain locations to not appear in the filter drop down
- Correction - Payment/Deposit to be posted twice to the Accounting Program which in turned caused a sync failure on the related Customer Invoice
- Correction - an issue which was causing the return quantity to revert to zero on Vendor Returns when the status was changed to Approved
- Correction - formatting issues for the Email version of the Bill of Sale and Offer to Purchase documents
- Correction - an issue which was causing the PULLED quantities to be lost on the Parts Picklist section when the parts were moved from one section of a CO to another ie Parts listed in Parts & Accessories section and then moved to Service Job section
- Improvement - implemented a restriction to prevent users from causing a sold unit to have its status reset back to available
- Correction - issues with search on tablet devices
- Resolved - an issue encountered when saving tax codes which contained a name which started with a numeric value
- Resolved - User Interface (UI) issue which caused an occasional blank space on a Customer Order page
- Correction - User Interface (UI) issue in the reporting screen on mobile devices
- Correction - a number of User Interface (UI) styling issues in Customer Order > Service Jobs
- Correction - User Interface (UI) issues related to applicable tax section on Customer Order > Unit Deals
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling on the homepage
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling on the System Settings > Location Management screen
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling when creating a Customer Owned Unit
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling on the BRP Dealer Lookup
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling on the Workshop Dashboard
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling on flyouts in the Scheduler
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling on the Branding Management page
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling on the Job Clocking Manage Task page
- Correction - User Interface (UI) styling on the Time Clocking Staff page
- Correction - User Interface (UI) change of the Scheduler tab name
- Correction - Issue which was causing the accounting response to not populate when the customer related to that transaction had not been synced
- Correction - an issue which was causing a Service Job section to be not immediately removed from a Customer Order and the User had to refresh the browser for it to disappear
- Improvement - changed logic to prevent Users from entering a zero quantity in Customer Orders
- Correction - an issue where the User could not print a deposit receipt if the Customer Order did not contain any line items
- Correction - issue which caused the Part and Accessories > Transaction Type to become set to a blank value
- Change - now providing a more descriptive error message when there is an error in saving accounting integration settings
- Correction - issues with navigating from one day to the next day in the DAY VIEW of the Scheduler
- Correction - an issue which was not populating the price on Unit Dealer Installed Options for Sublets
- Correction - issue which caused the Appointment date to be reset to the current date when editing an appointment in Scheduler
- Improvement - Code fix relating to the syncing of batches of CO Invoice payments
- Improvement - with the Activation Data Loader
- Resolved - issue with generating service job reports when filtering by scheduled dates
- Improvement - implemented logic to ensure that a Vendor Invoice or Vendor Return cannot be closed twice from two different browser sessions
- Resolved - an issue with the salesperson assigned to a Unit Deal being changed without the user selecting a different value
- Correction - accounting General Ledger assignment for fees on kits which were fulfilled by Deal Merch / Service
- Resolved - issue with payments not appearing on the correct date of the cash reconciliation due to change of daylight savings time
- Correction - issue which would not allow a user to changed the committed section to special order all the needed quantity when some were available in stock
- Released - 8 new forms for specific Dealerships