What’s new?

Unreceived Vendor Order (VO) Items Report 

  • We have introduced a new report to assist in managing individual items which are on unreceived vendor orders

  • Basically a report that will list all parts that have been unreceived / who they were needed by / when they were ordered and expected

  • It will be a way for Dealerships to control their ordering / chasing up Vendors / seeing what is on backorders

  • For further information, please review our article - Reporting - Unreceived VO Items

BRP Integration -  Integrated Parts Master

  • For those dealerships that are a BRP Dealer and have BRP Integration setup

  • Fully automated part number and pricing updates from BRP

  • System will check for updates nightly

  • Automatically apply Tags to the part records which represent the Product Line Code from BRP ie: ATV, snowmobile.  Parts can be given multiple Tags based on the information supplied by BRP

  • Will also now allow optional mapping of BRP categories to BP categories.  BRP has three categories which are parts, accessories, clothing

  • For further information, please review our article - BRP Integration

Accounting Integration - Changes 

Vendor Receiving journal entries

  • These journal entries will now be summarized by General Ledger account in order to drastically reduce the number of line items necessary to post this journal entry to the accounting application

Vendor Invoice entries 

  • The line items on these vendor invoices will now be summarized by General Ledger account in order to drastically reduce the number of line items included with each vendor invoice sent to the accounting application

General Ledger account restrictions

  • We have implemented restrictions to match the restrictions imposed by QuickBooks and Xero.  This means that we are now preventing users from accidentally mapping to a General Ledger account which Blackpurl is not permitted to send accounting entries to  

  • For Xero, any General Ledger account selected for Customer Deposits must have the “enable payments” flag turned in Xero.  If it does not have this flag turned on in Xero, the user will be unable to select that General Ledger account for Customer Deposits 

SOM Integration

  • Third party claims will now be transmitted to SOM when the claim is submitted.  Previous we were not sending claim information until the third-party job was invoiced

  • Committed quantities will now be included in the daily part inventory information sent to SOM

Additional Settings & ControlAuto-select orders in Part Receiving

  • This new Setting & Control has been introduced to give the Dealership the option of auto-selecting Vendor Orders in Part Receiving screen 
  • The current default is to have the auto- select orders in Part Receiving disabled

This means that the VO will not be automatically selected in this screen and it will be up to the user to manually select the VOs that they want to Vendor Receive against

  • However if your dealership wants all VO to be auto-selected in the abovementioned Vendor Receiving screen, simply change the setting

         Navigate to System Settings > Settings & Control - Shop Settings - Auto-select orders in Part receiving 

Part Record - Change to Active Vendor Order section

  • The Active vendor orders listing on Part Records will now include who the part is being ordered for
  • This should aide in eliminating confusion about the Qty on Order shown for the part and the actual listing of vendor orders related to the part

What’s improved?

Release 2.47.0

  • Resolved -  issue with the Service Worksheet document which caused extra page breaks to be included
  • Resolved - issues with selecting some time blocks when scheduling a technician onto an appointment
  • Correction - issue with packaged parts not being handled properly when calculating the line item total in vendor invoicing
  • Correction - the printed and export versions of the Invoice Detail report so that they obey the “Summary by invoice” filter setting
  • Correction - issue with the SOM inventory file generated which sometimes contained an additional duplicate list including headers
  • Correction - an issue causing sync failures when the recalculate pricing option improperly set the tax amount on some fee line items
  • Change - User Interface (UI) adjustments to the unit entity card formatting
  • Change - Small UI adjustments for Tag management, User permissions page header, Email approval window, Unit adjustment scrolling, Unit price & cost tracking, alignment on deposit document
  • Resolved - Parts reports not always populating the "Replaced By" column properly
  • Correction - issue with GL accounts not always being exposed in the add/edit category screen
  • Release - Forms for specific Dealerships

Release 2.47.1

  • Resolved - issues with the Part Type not always saving the user selected value when adding a new part
  • Resolved - issue which caused third-party jobs for inventory units to not properly calculate sales tax on claims
  • Improvement - implementation of a notification email to BP Development team when FTP errors are encountered
  • Resolved - issue where the default mileage type was not being used when creating customer owned units
  • Resolved - issue which would not allow a unit to be added to a deal when that unit contained a large number of price and cost adjustment entries
  • Resolved - issue which caused the customer address on customer invoices to be wrapped to a new line due to its length
  • Correction - scheduler issue for the BRP GetPartsMaster API scheduling
  • Release - next batch of Forms for specific Dealerships