This article is an overview of the Reporting section - Reconciliations

This Reporting section will list reports that your bookkeeper / accountant should be running on a regular basis to ensure that the figures reported in Blackpurl match the relevant General Ledger Accounts in your Accounting Package 

Remember that Blackpurl should be used as the "truth" of what your figures in the relevant General Ledger Accounts in your Accounting Package should be 

We have provided a list of the reports / what is the description of each report / relevant resource 

Report Name Description
Part Inventory Accounts 
This report has default filters and columns that will provide the user with a total of what Blackpurl indicates is the Part Inventory

Once you have this report, you can then review the relevant General Ledger Account/s in your Accounting Package to see if they balance

Reporting - Reconciliations - Part Inventory Accounts

Reconcile - Part Inventory General Ledger Accounts
Unit Inventory Accounts

This report has default filters and columns that will provide the user with a total of what Blackpurl indicates is the Unit Inventory

Once you have this report, you can then review the relevant General Ledger Account/s in your Accounting Package to see if they balance

Reporting - Reconciliations - Unit Inventory Accounts

Reconcile - Unit Inventory General Ledger Accounts
Customer Deposit Accounts
This report has default filters and columns that will provide the user with a total of what Blackpurl indicates is the Customer Deposits being held 

Once you have this report, you can then review the relevant General Ledger Account in your Accounting Package to see if they balance

Reporting - Reconciliations - Customer Deposit Account

Reconcile - Customer Deposit Clearing General Ledger
A/P Inventory Accrual Account (VR)
This report has default filters and columns that will give you a total of A/P Inventory Accrual Account for Vendor Receiving  in Blackpurl 

Basically the Vendor Receiving (VR) that have been stocked but not Vendor Invoicing (VI) complete

Reporting - Reconciliations - A/P Inventory Accrual Account (VR)

Reconcile - Received Inventory Accrual General Ledger

A/P Inventory Accrual Account (RTN)
This report has default filters and columns that will give you a total of  A/P Inventory Accrual Account for Vendor Returns in Blackpurl 

Basically the Vendor Returns has been submitted to the Vendor but the Dealership has yet received a Credit Memo 

Reporting - Reconciliations - A/P Inventory Accrual Account (RTN)

Reconcile - Received Inventory Accrual General Ledger
WIP Labour Inventory Account
This report has default filters and columns that will give the user a total of the WIP Labour Inventory in Blackpurl

Once you have this report, you can check it against what the total of the relevant General Ledger in your Accounting Package


Reporting - Reconciliations - WIP Labour Inventory Account

Reconcile - WIP Labor Inventory / WIP Labour Inventory

Store Credits Liability Account
This report has default filters and columns that will allow you to see the total of Store Credits in Blackpurl

Once you have this report, you can check it against what the total of the relevant General Ledger in your Accounting Package

Reporting - Reconciliations - Store Credit Liability Account

Reconcile - Store Credit Liability

Deal Option Clearing Account
This report has default filters and columns that will allow you to see the total of Deal Options in Blackpurl

Once you have this report, you can check it against what the total of the relevant General Ledger in your Accounting Package

Reporting - Reconciliations - Deal Option Clearing Account

Reconcile - Deal Option Clearing General Ledger

Stocked Trade Clearing Account
This report has default filters and columns that will allow you to see the total of Trade ins that have been stocked but the Customer Order that they are attached to still have not been finalised

Once you have this report, you can check it against what the total of the relevant General Ledger in your Accounting Package

Reporting - Reconciliations - Stocked Trade Clearing Account

Reconcile - Stocked Trade Clearing

Sublet Accrual Account
This report has default filters and columns that will allow you to see the total of Sublet that have been stocked (Vendor Received) but the Sublet Vendor Invoice still has not been completed

Once you have this report, you can check it against what the total of the relevant General Ledger in your Accounting Package

Reporting - Reconciliations - Sublet Accrual Account

Reconcile - Sublet Accrual