This article will go through the Payment Method Surcharge - if you have a Customer that uses the Payment Method - Visa / Mastercard / Amex, Discover / Preferred Payment (if applicable) and the Dealership wants to pass on  % surcharge to the Customer automatically

This article will cover:

  • Setup - what Dealerships need to do to set this functionality up in their Blackpurl 

  • Where it is available to use in Blackpurl - this automatic surcharge will be calculated and available in Checkout / Deposit and AR Payments 


There are a few setup items that need to be completed before the Payment Method Surcharge can be automatically charged to a Customer when using specific Payment Methods:

A - Accounting Integration

There is a new Accounting Integration > Control Account that has been introduced so that the revenue obtained when charging this surcharge to Customer, where it will show up in your accounting package ie which General Ledger

This article will explain what needs to be completed in your Accounting Integration section - Step 4P - Understanding Accounting Integration - Control Accounts - Payment Method Surcharges

B - User Permission 

To allow Users to be able to modify / override the Payment Method Surcharge in the Checkout / Deposit / AR sections, the User Permission - Modify Payment Method Surcharge needs to be enabled 

This is the relevant article that will explain  User Permission - Modify Payment Method Surcharge

C - Setting the Rate 

From System Settings > Settings & Controls - Payment Methods, ensure that relevant Automatic Payment Method Surcharge is enabled 

Then go through the relevant Payment Methods - Visa / Mastercard / Amex / Discover / Preferred Payment (if applicable) and add the % that you want to charge as the surcharge to the Customer when they use that Payment Method on a Customer Order

Don't forget to scroll down when you finish and click on

In the example below on the Payment Method Visa that there is a 1.25% surcharge payable by the Customer if the Customer uses Visa to pay the Dealership on a Customer Order

Where in Blackpurl is this available 

In this section we will go through where it is available in Blackpurl and we will be using the example above that if a Customer pays with the Payment Method Visa - there will be an automatic 1.25% surcharge charged to the Customer 


This is how it will show in the Checkout section and as soon as the User selects the Payment Method Visa, the surcharge has calculated 


A.This is the amount of the checkout (before the surcharge)     This is the amount that the surcharge will be based upon 

B. This is the % of the surcharge that has been setup in System Settings >Settings & Controls - Payment Methods to be charged to the Customer when they use this Payment Method

If the user has the correct user permission, they can override the % that is automatically generated at this field (even making it zero if needed ie not charge the surcharge at all) 


This is the amount in $ of how much the surcharge is calculated to be 

D. Total amount that will be charged against the Customer's Payment Method ie Visa card 

The User would then finalise the checkout as per normal by adding the payment and finalise invoice etc


If the User has permission to override / modify the surcharge is at B. - changing the % or if the User is not looking to charge this Customer at all, the % would be changed to 0% so that it would not charge the surcharge 


This is how it will show in the Deposit section and as soon as the User selects the Payment Method Visa and then add the amount of the Deposit, the surcharge will calculated 


E.User will need to type in the amount of the Deposit being paid to the Dealership 

F. This is the % of the surcharge that has been setup in System Settings > Settings & Controls - Payment Methods to be charged to the Customer if they use this Payment Method

If the user has the correct user permission, they can override the % that is automatically generated at this field (even making it zero if needed ie not charge the surcharge) 
This is the amount in $ of how much the surcharge is based on the amount of the Deposit being paid 

H. Total amount that will be charged against the Customer's Visa card 

Then you would finalise the Deposit as per normal and use the deposit as normal in checkout when you are ready


If the User has permission to override / modify the surcharge is at F. - changing the % or if the User is not looking to charge this Customer at all, the % would be changed to 0% so that it would not charge the surcharge

AR Payment 

This is based on this feature - Payment Method - AR Credit (Accounts Receivable Credit in Accounting Package)

When the Customer is paying for Charge on Account Outstanding invoices that are sitting in the Dealership's accounting package using a Payment Method that has a surcharge attached 

In our example - our Customer Cathy Price wants to pay for her outstanding invoices by the Payment Method Visa 

This is how the payment AR Payment will show as soon as the User has selected the Payment Method of Visa 


I.This is the amount of the payment being made (before the surcharge)                                             
This is the amount that the surcharge will be based upon 
J.This is the % of the surcharge that has been setup in System Settings to be charged to the Customer if they use this Payment Method

If the user has the correct user permission, they can override the % that is automatically generated at this field (even making it zero if needed ie not charge the surcharge at all) 
This is the amount in $ of how much the surcharge is based on the amount of the payment being made 

L.Total amount that will be charged against the Customer's Visa card 

The User would then Receive Payment as per normal


If the User has permission to override / modify the surcharge is at J. - changing the % or if the User is not looking to charge this Customer at all, the % would be changed to 0% so that it would not charge the surcharge

Customer Refunds 

If you are using the Payment Method that has the surcharge attached, then it will also calculate the refunding of the surcharge


Customer requires a refund on a part and the Dealership is paying them the refund by Mastercard

The Mastercard payment method has the automatic surcharge of 1.25%

This is what the refund will look like in the checkout section - it will refund the surcharge as well

Keep in mind that if the user has the correct user permission they can override the % that is automatically generated at this field (even making it zero if needed ie not charge the surcharge at all)