This article will explain how the Dealership can purchase a unit from a Customer by a Trade In only Customer Order
Trade In Only Customer Order
The dealership is buying a unit directly from a Customer
Instead of processing the purchase of the Customer Owned Unit through Vendor Unit Receiving, Blackpurl gives you the ability to process the purchase as a Customer Order Unit Deal for Trade-In Unit only
How to Process
- Create a Customer Order > Unit Deal
Add your customer - this is the Customer who the Dealership is buying the trade-in unit from
Then in the Unit Deal > Deal Actions section click on
Then in the Unit Deal > Deal Actions section click on

- Search for or add the Customer Owned Unit that is being traded then click on

- Complete all the required Trade In fields
- this is the Category it will be assigned when the trade-in is stocked
- this is the Category it will be assigned when the trade-in is stocked
Taxable / Applicable Tax
- will the unit be Taxable and if so what is the Applicable Tax
Agreed Value
- How much the Dealership has agreed to buy / trade in the unit for
Actual cash value (ACV) excluding tax
- How much the Actual Cash Value is to the Dealership / how much it is actually worth
- Keep in mind that Dealership can over trade / under trade or exact trade:
- Over trade is when you trade the unit in for more than it is worth
- Under trade is when you trade the unit in for less than it is worth
- Exact trade when you are trading it in for what it is actually worth
Lien Payout
- Does the customer have a lien (they have borrowed against it) on the unit and if so, how much
- Does the customer have a lien (they have borrowed against it) on the unit and if so, how much
- If you type a figure in this field, you will be then ask to indicate who the Finance Company is
- Remember that in most situation, if there is a lien on the unit, it is the Dealership's responsibility to
discharge the lien before selling the Trade In unit on
discharge the lien before selling the Trade In unit on
- For additional information on Lien Payouts, please review our article - Introduction to Customer Order - Unit Deal Trade In with Lien Payout
Appraisal method
- how has the unit being appraised? Visual / Service
- how has the unit being appraised? Visual / Service
Appraisal Status
- has the appraisal process been completed? Pending Appraisal / Appraisal Complete
Appraisal Notes
- free text field to record any notes you want to indicate when doing the Appraisal
Appraisal by
- Indicate who has done the appraisal and has come up with the figures for the Trade-In
- Note that the Checkout now has a credit for what the dealership is paying for the unit.

- To trigger Blackpurl that this is a Trade In only Unit Deal, go back to the Unit 1 section and click on

Confirm that you are removing the Unit 1 section by click on 

- Only the Trade-In section will remain in the Unit Deal

- Once the Dealership has confirmed with the customer that the transaction is going ahead, change the Unit Deal Status to Approved and then click on

- Now all the Dealership needs to do is click on
- Ensure that the relevant checkbox is ticked
- Click on the payment type you are using to pay the Customer for the Trade-In unit
- Check the amount.
- Click on

- Then click on

- The Trade In Unit will be given a Stock number and is now available in Stock as it no longer a Customer Owed Unit
- Customer Order will close out
- Customer Order will then list under the Customer's Record