This article will show a couple of scenarios when the Customer Owned Unit has been transferred between Customers Records
For example
In Blackpurl Unit ABC is shown as a Customer Owned Unit attached to Customer: Cathy Price but Cathy Price has sold the unit to Jaxon Ramsay
Scenario 1
Customer Catherine Price has booked in for a service on their BRP Can Am but when completing the Create Customer Owned Unit window from a Customer Order > Service Job, the unit is coming up as being already owned by Jaxon Price
- It is at this point that we would simply click on
- Blackpurl will ask you to confirm the Transfer > click on
- The unit (and the service history details) will transfer to the new owner Jaxon Price's Customer Record as their Customer Owned Unit
You will not have the option of Transferring Ownership if the unit is:
- On an open Customer Order Service Job. The indicator will be ACTIVE ON SERVICE JOB
- Listed as a Trade In on a Customer Order Unit Deal. The indicator will be ACTIVE ON A DEAL
Scenario 2
In Blackpurl on the Customer Record of Cathy Ramsay, there is a Customer Owned Unit of:
However, Cathy has told the dealership that she has sold this unit to John Price so we want to reflect this change and have the service history follow over to the new owner
- Navigate to the relevant Customer Owned Unit Record

- The Transfer of Ownership will pop up

- Once your new owner is listing > click on
- Note the new owner is now listing on the Customer Owned Unit Record

Other Information
Please note that you will not be able to use the above functionalities if you are transferring the Customer Owned Unit into stock as the Dealership would be "purchasing" the unit from the Customer (not just transferring it)
For this process you will need to do a Trade In Only Customer Order or purchase the unit through Unit Ordering and add the Customer name as a Vendor
These are the relevant articles
Customer Order Unit Deal for Trade In Unit only
How to Process a Unit Order (Single Unit Order or Bulk Unit Orders)