It maybe necessary for the Dealership to add new Vendor Order Types for specific Vendors, this article and video  will walk you through how to create a new Vendor Order Type

This means that when a new Vendor Order is processed for that particular Vendor, the Dealership can indicate on the Vendor Order itself which Vendor Order Type is ie Standard / Booking etc to use thereby letting the Vendor know what type of Order it is

This is an example:

  • You can see that on this Vendor Record, this Dealership has two Vendor Order Types - STANDARD and Booking

  • When they want to place a Daily Order, they just use the drop down and select the one they want to use

Video - How to setup a new Vendor Order Type 

Article - How to setup new Vendor Order Types:

All Blackpurl Dealerships have a default Standard Vendor Order Type set on the Vendor Records but if new ones are required:

  • Navigate to the relevant Vendor Record and then scroll down to the Vendor Order Type and click on +


  • Complete the New Vendor Order Type pop up with the relevant information and don't forget to SAVE:

Code - An identifying name for the New Vendor Order Type

Lead Time - Does this New Vendor Order Type have a specific lead time.  If so, type in how many days

Discount - Is there any discount available for this New Vendor Order Type?  If so, type in the %

Landed Cost Adjustment - Not yet functional

Update current cost - When you use this Vendor Order Type on a Vendor Order and do a Vendor Receiving, do you want to update current cost?  If you need further information, please refer to our article - Part Cost Control Feature

Usage - this is just a basic description to other users as to what this New Vendor Order Type is for

  • Once the New Vendor Order Type has been created, it will list in the Vendor Order Type section on the Vendor Record

  • The new Vendor Order Types will then be available for selection when processing a Vendor Order for that particular Vendor:

  • The default Order Type will remain as STANDARD but if you want this changed, please contact our Blackpurl Support with the details and they can change the default in the back end