Around Week 3, you should be asking yourself questions about Accounting Integration 

Have I completed processing the Opening Balances into the new accounting package?

Do I know how the Blackpurl Accounting Integration works? 

Do I need help understanding the Blackpurl Accounting Integration and maybe I should be requesting a Q&A session?

What if there is an accounting sync failure?

Do I need to make any chances ie add additional categories?

Opening Balances for Unit Inventory and Parts Inventory 

Your Activation Specialist would have entered your Unit Inventory and Parts Inventory Opening Balances in your accounting package which would have been based on the date that the Dealership provided to the Activation team 

If you have a discrepancy between the figures entered by your Activation Specialist and what your old Balance Sheet is saying your Unit Inventory and Part Inventory figures should be, please discuss this with your accountant

This article has further information - Opening Balances - Unit Inventory and Parts Inventory 

Opening Balances from your old accounting system

If you are changing accounting packages, you need to ensure that the closing balances from your old accounting package are entered into your new accounting package 

This is a very important step as this will ensure that the change over between your old accounting package and your new accounting package is a smooth transition 

It is the responsibility of the Dealership to ensure that these are entered and correct in your new accounting package and we would recommend that you seek assistance from your accountant 

This article has further information - Entering Opening Balances / Conversion Balances in your Accounting Package (QuickBooks / Xero)

Understanding Accounting Integration

We have a series of articles that will go through the Accounting Integration 

This is the overview document - Overview - Understanding Accounting Integration and it will go through step by step of the Accounting Integration

Please reach out if you need additional help or even a one on one tutorial / Q&A session with one of our Blackpurl Support team members 

Accounting Sync Failures

Did you know that if any of your transactions failed to sync between Blackpurl and your accounting package, a sync failure notification is automatically sent through to our development team for them to review?

Issues that cause sync failures can include:

  • The connection between Blackpurl and your accounting package has been lost

Our development team will re-establish connect and then sync the transaction 

We will only get in contact with the Dealership if we need assistance re-connecting

  • The Dealership removes access

We will need the Dealership to provide us with continual access so we will be reaching out to your Dealership should this occur so that you can provide us with a new invite as accountant

  • Duplicate transaction numbers 

Both Xero and QuickBooks Online will not allow us to sync transactions that have the same number that has been manually created in your accounting package 

For example
if you manually created an invoice in your accounting package using the same prefix as Blackpurl ie INV-000012 and we go to integrate a transaction with that exact number, it will be rejected

Our development team will amend the manual transaction in your accounting package to have a different number so that the Blackpurl transaction will sync