This article will cover how the Dealership can have Deal Options taxed at a different rate than the Unit Deal 

For example:

  • the Dealership has sold a Unit on a Unit Deal and it will be taxed at one rate 
  • the Deal Options may need to be sold and taxed at a different rate

How to charge different taxes for Deal Options

In the example below you can see that we have nominated that this Unit Deal is Taxable and what is the Applicable Tax 

The default will be that all options and fees added to the Unit Deal will automatically take the same Applicable Tax. You also have the choice to select if the tax is based on the customer's address.  

But if the Dealership wishes to indicate which Deal Options do not follow the tax as per the Unit Deal, the user can simply click into the Option Type section

and then select which options they want to have the same tax as indicated in the Taxable section

If they unselect one of the option types, then that option line item will follow the tax that is recorded on the relevant record

For example - I have indicated that Fee options will not follow the same tax as the Unit Deal

This means that when I add a Fee to this Unit Deal as an option, it will follow the Tax as indicated on the relevant Fee record: