This article will take you through how to make Part Records / Vendor Records / Customer Records inactive  

Please note that Blackpurl does not allow any user to delete a record - however Blackpurl will allow you to make a record inactive

If you need to find an inactive Part Records / Vendor Records / Customer Records, please review this article - How to Find an Inactive Part Record / Vendor Record / Customer Record

Part Record

Navigate to the Part Record that needs to be made inactive > click on User-added image

From the Edit Merchandise screen,> uncheck the ACTIVE checkbox and then User-added image

Customer Record

Navigate to the Customer Record that needs to be made inactive > click on User-added image

From the Edit Customer screen > move the ACTIVE from YES to NO then click on User-added image

Before making a Customer Record inactive, please ensure that you have checked on the record, that there are no open Customer Orders under this Customer

Vendor Record 

Navigate to the Vendor Record that needs to be made inactive > click on User-added image 


From the Edit Vendor screen > move the ACTIVE from YES to NO then click on User-added image 

Before making a Vendor Record inactive, please ensure that you have checked that the Vendor is not attached to Automated Price Files and/or have Part Records attached to it