This article is providing you with a list of the current User Permissions / what the permission is for / a link to the relevant article and/or resource

General Permissions

Homepage dashboard
If you want your users to see the Homepage, leave this permission enabled
User Permission - Homepage Dashboard
Reports If you want your users to have access to Reports, leave this permission enabled
User Permission - Reports

Report Scheduling

If you want your users to have access to be able to schedule reports, then enable this permissionReporting - Scheduled Reporting
Workshop dashboardIf you want your users to have access to the Workshop dashboard, leave this permission enabled
User Permission - Workshop Dashboard
Service scheduler 

- read only This permission gives the ability for the user to view the Scheduler
They will be unable to make any appointments or changes etc
- create / modify This permission gives the ability for the user to create or modify appointments etc within Scheduler
Appointment Scheduler / Job Scheduler / Assigning Technician & Job Clocking from Customer Order / Log Technician Leave Time
Manage payroll clocking Allows the user the ability to modify / add / delete Payroll Clocking entries
How to Manage Payroll Clocking
Manage job clocking Allows the user the ability to modify / add / delete Job Clocking entries
How to Manage or Change Job Clocking on a Service Job
Cash reconciliation 

- submitAllows the user to review (not finalise) a Cash Drawer
What is a Cash Reconciliation / How to process a Cash Reconciliation 
- create / modify Allows the user to reconcile (finalise) all the Cash Drawer / Cash Reconciliations for the Day
What is a Cash Reconciliation / How to process a Cash Reconciliation 
Part inventory count 

- enabled Allows the user access to the Part Inventory Count Tool for counting and entering purposes
Part Counting Tool - Overview
- finalize count Allows the user to finalize a part inventory count Part Counting Tool - Overview

Price file import 

Allows the user the ability to import a manual price file and/or run the Automated Price File tool
Automated Price Files Tool (Automated Price File Imports)
How to Import a Vendor Price File

- read only Allows the user to read only Costs
- you would then indicate further on in the permissions if you want them to only have access to Part Costs or Unit Costs
User Permission - Unit Cost and Part Cost
- modify Users have the ability to modify costs ie process a Cost Adjustment on a Part record or Unit record
How to Complete a Parts Cost Adjustment

How to Process a Unit Cost Adjustment
Part cost If you want your users to see costs on Part Records then this is the permission for you
User Permission - Unit Cost and Part Cost
Unit cost If you want your users to see costs on Unit Records then this is the permission for you
User Permission - Unit Cost and Part Cost
CO profitability If you want your users to see the profitability on a Customer Order then you will need to enable this permission Customer Order Profitability
Deal commissionsIf you want your users to view / modify Deal Commissions on a Customer Order > Unit Deal then they will need this permission enabled Setup Customer Order Unit Deal - Salesperson (for Commission)
Quick transfersThis user permission will only be available and seen if the Dealership has Inter-Store Lookup enabled
If the Dealership has Inter-Store Lookup enabled then this user permission will allow those users in the Dealership to use the Inter-Store Lookup featur
Inter-Store Part Look Up / Inter-Store Unit Look Up
Transaction Permissions


Quick saleAllows the user to process a Customer Order
Blackpurl use to have a Quick Sale section but this has been removed

- viewAllows the user to view Customer Orders > Parts & Accessories
- create/modifyAllows the user to create/modify Customer Orders > Parts & Accessories sectionHow to Create a Quick Part Sale - Customer for Stock on Hand Parts
Service Job 

- viewAllows the user to view Customer Orders > Service Job section
- create/modifyAllows the user to create/modify Customer Orders > Service Job sectionHow to Process a Service Job

- viewAllows the user to view Customer Orders > Unit Deal section
- create/modifyAllows the user to create/modify Customer Orders > Unit Deal sectionHow to Process a Unit Deal Quote for a Stocked Unit
Customer Invoicing

- viewView Customer Order with Invoice section
- create/modifyAllows the user to proceed to checkout and issue Invoices on Customer OrdersHow to Finalize a Customer Order and Create an Invoice
Internal Service

- viewView Customer Orders > Internal Service Job section
- create/modifyAllows the user to create/modify Customer Orders > Internal Service Job How to Process an Internal Service (Service or Repair Jobs for units the dealership owns)
Bulk Deleting Allows the user to bulk delete line items / whole sections / Customer Orders 
Deleting Items from a Customer Order including Bulk Deletion / Deleting Customer Order

This is an Admin Group Permission only 

Vendor Order

- viewView Vendor Orders for Parts
- create/modifyCreate/modify Vendor Orders for PartsHow to Create A Vendor Order for a Customer Special Order (Parts and Sublets)

How to Process a Vendor Order for Parts Required for Stock
Vendor Receiving

- viewView Vendor Receiving for Parts
- create/modifyCreate/modify Vendor Receivings for PartsHow to Receipt / Receive Parts into your Inventory (including Sublets)

Completing the Vendor Receiving and Vendor Invoicing together
Vendor Invoicing

- viewView Vendor Invoicing for Parts
- create/modifyCreate/modify Vendor Invoicing for PartsHow to Create a Vendor Invoice - Reconcile Parts Invoice (Parts and Sublets)

Completing the Vendor Receiving and Vendor Invoicing together
Unit Ordering 

- viewView Vendor Orders for UnitsHow to View Unit Orders
- create/modifyCreate/modify Vendor Orders for Units including the ability to be able to receive/invoiceHow to process a Unit Receiving

How to Process a Unit Order
Special Actions

Override PriceAllows the user to override prices on line items on Customer OrdersDiscount on Customer Orders
Apply bulk discountsAllows the user to apply bulk discounts on Customer Orders
Discount on Customer Orders
Oversell InventoryAllows the user to oversell parts on Customer OrdersHow to Manage Oversold Stock (Short Sales)
Special OrderAllows the user to process Special Order Customer OrdersHow to Create a Customer Order for a Special Order Part
ReturnsAllows the user to process a Vendor ReturnHow to Create a Vendor Return for Parts and How to Report on Vendor Returns
BackdatingThe user can backdate payment dates and invoice dates on Customer OrderHow to Backdate Customer Order Deposits / Payments / Invoices
View incoming text messages Allows the user to view any incoming text messages
This is only relevant if the Dealership has 2 way texting
How to Send and Receive Text Messages (SMS) through Blackpurl
Reopen finalized invoiceAllows the user to reopen invoices on Customer Orders Reopen Invoiced Customer Orders
Set Cash Drawers Permission to be able to set up Cash Drawers
Setting up Multiple Cash Drawers / Handling of Multiple Cash Drawers
Payment of AccountPermission to be able to take a Payment on Account within Blackpurl > Customer Record
Invoices that have been closed as Payment Method: Charge on Account - Receiving Payment of Account in Blackpurl (Accounting Integration)
Reallocate on order parts
If you want your users to be able to reallocate on order parts, leave this permission enabled
Reallocation of On Ordered Parts
Adjust Store Credits This permission will allow the user to be able to process a Store Credit onto a Customer Record How to process a Store Credit on a Customer Record / How to Report on Store Credits
Approve Deals This permission will allow the user to be able to change the status of a Unit Deal to ApprovedUser Permission - Approve Deals
Sales TaxesAllows users to assign sales taxes on Vendor Records / Customer Records etc
User Permission - Sales Taxes
Job ready to invoice statusThis would allow the Dealership more control over the ability to Invoice
Service Job Statuses - Selecting and then Using / Ready to Invoice Enforcement
Modify Payment Method Surcharge This will allow users that have this permission to modify / override the automatic surcharge charged for specific Payment Methods
User Permission - Modify Payment Method Surcharge

Quick fulfil deal unit options

This will allow users to use the Quick fulfil deal unit option on Customer Order > Unit Deals
Available to Admin Users only 
Customer Order > Unit Deal - Quick Fulfil Deal Unit Options
Create/Modify Records

CustomersAllows the user to create/modify Customer RecordHow to Create / Add a New Customer
VendorsAllows the user to create/modify Vendor RecordHow to Create / Add a New Vendor
Vendor ProductsAllows the user to create/modify Vendor ProductsHow to Setup Vendor Products and Services
PartsAllows the user to create/modify Part RecordsHow to Create / Add a New Vendor
LaborAllows the user to create/modify Labour CodesHow to Create a New Labour / Labor Code
Stocked UnitsAllows the user to create/modify Stocked Units How to Create / Add a new Stock Unit
Fees Allows the user to create/modify Fee RecordsHow to Create a New Fee
KitsAllows the user to create/modify KitsHow to Create a Kit
Create Make & Model Adhoc Allows the user to create Make / Model / Submodel Adhoc (without going into System Settings > Make & Model)How to Create or Amend - Make / Model / Sub Model - see section on Alternative Way to Add new Makes and Models
Account Administration

System SettingsAllows the user to access System Settings dashboard
User Permissions - Account Administration section
Accounting Integration Allows the user to access Accounting Integration section from the System Settings dashboardUser Permissions - Account Administration section
User ManagementAllows the user to have access to the Users and User Permissions sections from the System Setting dashboard User Permissions - Account Administration section
Tax Management Allows the user to have access to Other Tools > Tax Activity & Settings from the Blackpurl Header 
Other Tools > Tax Activity and Settings

User Permissions - Account Administration section
App Settings Allows the user to have access to the Branding management / Business Profile / Cash drawers / System settings & control sections from the System Setting dashboard
User Permissions - Account Administration section
Linked Fees & Forms Allows the user to have access to the Form repository / Linked fee management / Linked form management sections from the System Setting dashboard
User Permissions - Account Administration section
Locations & TagsAllows the user to have access to the Product location and Tag management sections from the System Setting dashboard
User Permissions - Account Administration section
Make & Models
Allows the user to have access to the Make & Models section from the System Setting dashboard
User Permissions - Account Administration section
Text templates Allows the user to have access to the Text message templates section from the System Setting dashboard
User Permissions - Account Administration section
Unit Pricing & Options Allows the user to have access to the Unit pricing & options section from the System Setting dashboard
User Permissions - Account Administration section
Price Levels
User Permissions - Account Administration section
- assignAllows the user the ability to assign price levels to Customer Records
Change Price Level on Customer Record
- create/modify Allows the user the ability to create / modify price levels How to Create or Amend Price Levels